Mae Saleh Al Mozaini is the Founder & CEO of nusf; The Arab Institute for Women’s Empowerment. The idea of nusf was a culmination of nearly three decades of Mae’s experiences through an illustrious corporate career in one of the world’s most respected and most significant companies; Saudi Aramco.
Mae is clearly passionate about women’s development and is on several advisory boards for women’s empowerment, diversity and inclusion, as well as an active participant in many women’s advocacy programs. She is also an International Coaching Federation (ICF) Certified Coach.
As one of a handful of senior female leaders in Saudi Aramco, Mae did not have female role models to look up to or provide her with mentorship throughout her career. And while her male supervisors were exceptionally supportive and played a significant role in her professional growth, Mae’s challenges were different than those of her male counterparts and were seldom addressed. Therefore, Mae worked with a select group of female leaders to assess, research and develop strategies that will support professional women through specialized programs that align with the Kingdom’s future ambitions and its Vision 2030.
Beyond her career and work for nusf, Mae identifies herself as a wife, mother, grandmother, and a lifelong learner.